Pet Connections

Pet Odors – Bactronizing Our Way to a Healthier Environment for Pets and People with Bactronix

We pet lovers and guardians enjoy the close bond we share with our pets. As pet lovers, there is nothing better than snuggling up with our furry friends!  However, how often do we stop and think about what they may carry from our daily routines as we travel about? Do we even think about pathogens as possible cause of odors? 

We all have the challenge of controlling and eliminating pet odors and their origin effectively. Odors are bad enough, but when you stop and think about the actual cause of these odors possibly being bacteria, mold and viruses, it is an entirely new issue.  To the average person odors are annoying, but to people suffering from a compromised immune system, respiratory or other health issues the underlying cause is potentially dangerous.     

Our pets live indoors and outdoors. They constantly pick up odor-causing pathogens from the environment. From outside in our yards, the neighborhood, woods, dog parks, kennels and even in veterinary offices, our pets are hosts pathogens unnoticed.  Of course, we tend to only notice when our pet gets skunked or rolls in what they consider fragrant eau de toilette de poop! Invisible airborne viruses and mold spores get carried in on our pets. 

Our homes can become breeding grounds and pathogens end up in our ventilation systems. “Sick Home Syndrome” is the term used by the Environmental Protection Agency to define a home environment that is hazardous to your health. The EPA statistics are alarming at 6 in 10 homes are environmentally hazardous! 

We can take steps to ensure that we can enjoy our pets in a safe clean environment. Pet waste, especially cat urine on carpets and flooring can be difficult to clean; let alone having it reoccur. The challenge of managing odors and a clean and healthy environment, starts with knowledge, awareness and action. The causation can be obtained through specialized testing. Routine management calls for a plan to treat from your pet to the entire house.

Aside from traditional routine cleaning procedures, there is now a better option for both our homes and pet care facilities. Bactronix Corporation, a Pittsburgh-based company, has developed proven specialized testing and disinfecting procedures, they use an EPA approved process, Bactronizing, for a complete, effective and affordable hospital grade disinfecting program.

Bactronix Corp. serves many industries. To name only a few, they are being utilized in hospitals, schools, daycare facilities, cars, boats, veterinary facilities and animal shelters.  Bactronix uses a very sophisticated, safe, organic system to test, diagnose and treat pets and the environment.  Utilizing science-based practices, testing is performed on porous and non-porous surfaces to determine the bioactivity which cause odors and illness. They use advanced technology through electrostatic delivery of their antimicrobial disinfectant and protectants which kills viruses and bacteria, including H1N1, C. Diff, MRSA and ringworm.  The Bactronizing process is a 2-step, non-toxic “green” disinfecting process. This Nanotechnology physically kills the odor-causing organisms. 

Boarding, grooming and veterinary facilities, similar to our human hospitals, are also turning to Bactronix to control theses contagious microorganisms which can cause infections. Dr. Susan Wagner, DVM from MedVet Medical & Cancer Center for Pets, says that Canine Parvovirus (CPV) is a highly contagious infectious disease that effects very young and adult dogs. Parvovirus mainly attacks the intestinal tract and ultimately the immune system. This can be fatal to young and/or immune-compromised dogs. The risk has been greatly reduced through a core vaccination program in puppies and adult dogs. Although occurrences of an outbreak are less frequent, animal care and breeding facilities can be at risk for CPV cases and the misery it wreaks on victims.  Facilities which incorporate stringent isolation and disinfecting procedures can greatly reduce the spread of CPV. 

Bactronix is a supporter of the veterinary industry. With the goal to promote environmental health, safety and wellness. Close contact with animals can result in cross-contamination and the spread of dangerous bacteria. General surface areas, professional tools and close contact are large contributors to the spread of germs. To protect your animals as well as yourselves, Bactronix® has developed a high performance, non-toxic, disinfecting technology that is safe for people, pets, plants and the environment. Bactronizing Process and daily cleaning protocol with BactroKill will take your health and safety standards to the next level.  

An independent laboratory study verifies that the Bactronizing Process meets the standards for killing the Canine Parvovirus. The study title is a “GLP Hard Surface Disinfection Evaluation of one Test Product (BactroKill) versus Canine Parvovirus.” Testing was based on methods described in the American Society for Test Materials (ASTM) E1053-11, based on US Environmental Protection Agency protocols.

For both facilities and in our homes, Bactrokill is amazingly safe and effective. It is also safe to use on your pets coat for any odors and has proven to be effective against the dreaded skunk odor! The product also has a lasting effect with a durability that continues to protect between treatments.

Bactronix offers a great solution to assure we have a safer environment for ourselves, and our pets.


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