Pet Connections


In May of 2010 we got our Rufus from the Onslow County Animal Shelter right near Jacksonville North Carolina where my husband was stationed at Camp Lejeune while in the Marine Corps. We had just moved there and realized base housing allowed us to have a pet.  We decided to go check out the nearest shelter, which was not in the best of shape.  We met Rufus and it was love at first sight with this 9-month-old Cocker Spaniel Beagle mix.  His ears were ridiculously cute, but the personality is what grabbed our attention.  Before making the decision to adopt him, we asked what his background was from the staff members at the shelter.  Their response was that he was in a box on the door step one morning, no holes cut or anything, just sitting there.  That was enough for us, so we took him home immediately.  He has been the absolute best dog we could have ever asked for.  My husband had injured his back in the Marines right before we moved to NC, and lil Rufus was an absolute savior for everything we endured for the following 2-3 years.  He is now 6 years old, and completely spoiled by every one of our family members and friends.  A huge addition to our life 🙂

Patrick Bickar and Cydnee Traversari


December 14, 2023
December 14, 2023


December 14, 2023
December 12, 2023