Losing a Pet, Grieving a Loss or Palliative Care During the Holidays

The holiday season, from Thanksgiving through the New Year, with all the extra social time and expectations can be a jumble of tears and anger if you are anticipating a loss or grieving a loss. Caretaking is often sad and difficult work. Palliative care for a critically ill or terminally ill pet can be a […]
Foxy Roxy & Greyson, the Italian Greyhounds

Jason Dunkle and his fiancé Mona Gray know what it’s like to have models in the family. It’s a busy life, with photoshoots, lots of clothing changes and exotic locations. But it’s worth it, because not only do the models love the attention, they donate all the money they earn from selling their photos to […]

Cyndi “Licker” 2002-2017 We adopted Cyndi when she was 1-1/2 years old in February 2004, from a veterinarian that I worked for in Ohio. She was bred to be a service dog, but had a congenital hip malformation. Cyndi had more than the typical Labrador Retriever boisterous personality! My husband immediately fell in love with […]
It’s the same words muttered by so many companion bird families at this time of year.

It’s the same words muttered by so many companion bird families at this time of year. “My sweet bird has turned into a velociraptor! What did I do to make them so angry?” For over 25 years, I have bred various species of cockatoos, macaws, and amazons. One of the greatest challenges in educating the […]
ASPCA Pet Health Insurance For Horses Now Available

Crum & Forster Pet Insurance GroupTM has launched its first-ever insurance plans exclusively for companion horses. The idea to launch equine health insurance stemmed from the discovery of a growing trend among horse owners to view their horses as companions or family members rather than property. The provider of ASPCA Pet Health Insurance, Crum & […]
Filling Voids and Offering Safety Nets

Everyone finds themselves in a pinch now and then. Sometimes that pinch feels a lot more like a vice clamping down on your ability to keep heat on in the house or even to put food on the table – or in your pet’s bowl. That’s the core reason we’re so excited about our new […]
Why You Should Vaccinate and Microchip Your Indoor Cat

By Melanie Lippert, Low-Cost Spay/Neuter Program Assistant “But my cat stays inside,” is something we often hear when we recommend vaccinating and microchipping your feline. We know that cats who stay indoors live longer and healthier lives than those who venture outdoors. But despite living in the comfort of your home, your cat can still […]
NATIONALLY CERTIFIED K9 SEARCH AND RESCUE unable to even jump or walk steps without pain. “No one could tell me what was wrong with him. Dr. Savko saved not only my partner, but my heart.” I was distraught. My K9 partner of 7 years was no longer able to jump or walk without pain. I […]

Submitted by Faith Bjalobok Ph.D. Assistant professor of Philosophy Duquesne University Fellow Oxford Centre for Animal Ethics Founder Fluffyjean Fund for Felines Outreach Coordinator Save A Horse Stable/Sanctuary On 400 hundred sprawling rolling green acres in rural Greene County, fifty happy and healthy horses roam free on a farm dedicated to providing them a second […]
The best way to manage an emergency is never to have an emergency.
As pet owners we all hope and wish that our pet will never have an emergency medical problem. Pet emergencies are stressful for pets and owners alike. Although there is no way to prevent all emergency situations, it is really good practice to control the things that are controllable and prevent the things that are […]