Vitamin D for Pets

By Doug Knueven, DVM, CVA, CVC, CVCH Vitamin D is a critical nutrient. It acts as a hormone in the body and regulates calcium metabolism which is important in bone growth and maintenance. Vitamin D excess leads to too much calcium in the blood. This can cause calcification of body tissues and the formation of […]
Fall Enrichment Fun … with Your Pet!

By Suzanne Denk, Animal Enrichment Specialist Crisp fall temperatures are just around the corner and you may be looking for some indoor fun with your four-legged friends. Here are some enrichment activities that are just what you need to keep your pets stimulated (both physically and mentally!) once the cool weather arrives. Rabbit Enrichment Toys […]
A Remembrance You Can Cuddle

PRESS RELEASE: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Event is Sunday, September 9, 2018 For more information, contact: Deb Chebatoris at 412-220-7800 Bernadette Kazmarski at 412-429-9553 or Chartiers Custom Pet Cremation website at HI-RES PHOTOS: I can also provide many hi-res photos for print or web of the dove release, the tent with attendees (from the […]
The Many Manifestations of Lyme Disease

Written by Emily Klosterman, DVM, MS, DACVIM Pennsylvania and other states along the eastern seaboard are common places where dogs might contract Lyme disease. Recognizing the signs of Lyme disease can lead to quicker diagnosis and treatment. However, the disease can manifest in many different ways, thus making it difficult for even the most vigilant […]
Great Pyrenees Rescue

By April Minech The Great Pyrenees club has been around for a long time – the late sixties to be exact. “It started as a confirmation club, where members that participated in shows got together and helped and mentored each other with things such as how to stack and groom dogs, what types of head […]

By April Minech So, what is DogtoberFEST? Hosted by CARMAA (Coalition to Adopt, Rehome and Match Abandoned Animals) A FREE event that celebrates pets and provides everything you need to know about adoption in a festival environment. It’s dog friendly, so you can bring your non-aggressive pet along, and there’s over 100 shelters, rescues and […]
Ask the Vet

By Dr. Theo Nelson, Veterinarian of Clinic Services Why should I vaccinate my indoor cat? The simple answer is for everyone’s safety. Even if your cat lives indoors, there is always a chance they may slip out an open door or window. Vaccinating is the simplest and smartest measure you can take to ensure the […]
Improving Communication with Your Animals

By Courtney Moffatt Brains work in mysterious and amazing ways. One of the ways is when we listen to others, speaking out loud or even thinking to ourselves, our brains automatically construct images. Both humans and animals construct mental imagery. That is why when people read books, images of the storyline play out in their […]
In remembrance of Mojo

By April Minech Photo credits: Kim Lenz, Behind the Lenz Photography Working in a shelter gives you the chance to meet and help lots of animals. One day a big black dog came in that scared even the seasoned workers, so of course I had to meet him. When I looked into his eyes, I […]
Surgical Safety Checklists: A Simple Solution to a Complex Problem

Michael Kraun, DVM Diplomate, American College of Veterinary Surgeons – Small Animal Pittsburgh Veterinary Specialty and Emergency Center, a BluePearl Veterinary Partners Hospital Over the past several decades, the field of medicine has become incredibly complex. With improvements in knowledge and technology, we have managed to make commonplace the treatment of diseases and injuries that […]