Of Starfish and Kittens

Spring is the time for newborns. Even with short or mild winters, the lengthening days reach a point in February that send a signal to get ready for birth or to get about reproducing so youngsters can mature during the most plentiful and temperate time of year. Now, in spring, the first wave of kittens […]

According to the Humane Society International, an estimated 2 million dogs are kept in facilities to be sold off for consumption each year in South Korea. JC McGreehan, owner of The Dog Stop of Monroeville and Rachel Maga, owner of Ten Four Social are set to travel to South Korea in late September with hopes […]
Training Your Dog To Walk Politely On A Leash

Walking a dog on a loose leash is one of most difficult behaviors for a dog and human to perform together reliably because of much longer durations, distances, and distractions (scents) compared to other behaviors. Teaching a dog to stay for a couple minutes, is much easier compared to loose-leash walking ten blocks for a […]
Is your Horse Forward with Relaxation and Rhythm or Rushing and Quick?

By Kristin Hermann If your horse is moving forward, that is an indication of the horse using his back or whole top line. You can tell if the horse is using its back or moving forward if the horse is tracking up. Tracking up, or covering ground, means the horse is taking a full stride […]
Wheek Care Guinea Pig Rescue (WCGPR)

By April Minech Photo credits: Kim Lenz, Behind the Lenz Photography Did you know there was a rescue for Guinea pigs? Why yes, there is, and it’s amazing. Wheek Care Guinea Pig Rescue is celebrating their 17th year of helping and supporting these little puffballs in November. Started by Julene Robinson, it recently became the […]
Judge’s Park Small Animal Rescue

By April Minech Photo credits: Kim Lenz, Behind the Lenz Photography Where can you find bunnies, guinea pigs, rats and an occasional cat? Judge’s Park! Working from her home, Jen Kilmer started her small animal rescue in college around 2004 and named it after her soul-horse, Judge Park. “I started with guinea pigs and kept […]
Introducing The Washington County Mon Valley Companion Animal Project

For the last four years the Fluffyjean Fund for Felines has partnered with WAHS to attack the problem of homeless cats in Washington County thru TNVR (trap-neuter-vaccinate-return to care taker). As a result of data collected, several issues have been empirically identified as contributing factors to the problem of homeless animals. Based on the data […]
Your Indoor-only Cat Got Outside!

By Bernadette Kazmarski A non-scientific study conducted in 2011 by the Missing Animal Response Network determined that 93% of escaped indoor-only cats were found hiding within a 3-house radius of their escape point. They partnered with the University of Queensland (Australia) to conduct the first-ever Missing Cat Study to further information about lost cat behavior. […]
Western Pennsylvania Search and Rescue Development Center

By April Minech Founded in 2000, the Western Pennsylvania Search and Rescue Development Center focuses specifically on the special needs population. The group cares for the health and safety of their clients, and trains dogs to work both for and with people. Executive Director Cynthia Garfold explains how it works. “If a person goes missing […]
Riding the Horse “Over the Back”

By Kristin Hermann “Over the back, round, on the bit, coming through, connected, and or on the aids” … what do all these phrases have in common when training a horse? As riders we would like the horse to lift their back and carry our weight, as opposed to going concave and hollow. The back […]