A dementia patient wanders from home. The family calls 911. A search is initiated. The government agency in charge of the search decides that a search canine team would be helpful. Through Armstrong County 911 Lower Kiski Search and Rescue is dispatched. All available members respond to the scene and work to help find the lost […]
The Silent Dialogue: Communication between Horse & Rider: by Kristin Hermann

The rider’s aids (seat, legs, and hands) are what create the riding communication between equines and humans. The rider’s lower legs are in contact with the horse’s barrel; the seat balances the rider’s torso and provides a base from which the legs and arms perform. The rider’s hands (whole arm) are in contact with the […]
The Bunny Bond… It’s more than you think By April Minech
Most of us have special memories from our childhood that include pets. The dogs we played ball with or secretly fed under the table with whatever we didn’t like on our dinner plates. Cats that cuddled up to us in bed or brushed their love softly against an arm or leg for comfort on a […]
Ultrasound: Answers to 5 Common Questions

Does ultrasound provide a definitive diagnosis? Ultrasound is a powerful diagnostic tool, and in many instances the only one necessary to yield the diagnosis – but, unfortunately, not all cases fall into this category. Ultrasound permits detailed evaluation of the internal organ structure – for one, it is the only available imaging modality to assess […]
Manny’s Unexpected Journey – How to Find Your Lost Cat

We try to provide good physical and emotional health to our furry family members. For years my husband and I have taken our cats out for car rides, on bike rides, for walks and hikes. One of our disabled cats has traveled all over the United States and even to several Airbnb’s in the Caribbean. […]
Independence Day for Us, Our Cats Not So Much By Bernadette Kazmarski

Fireworks aren’t the only thing that can make cats uncomfortable on Independence Day—keep them in mind when preparing for any home event including foods, decorations, and summertime traditions, like grilling. Much of this information also applies to dogs and other pets as well. Fireworks It’s not just one fireworks display, it’s also the prevalence of […]
Mt Lebanon Stop Declaw Committee

SAVE THE PAW BAN DECLAW The 18th Century philosopher Kant argued that social change occurs as a result of a change in thinking. The change in thinking that challenged the long held Cartesian dualism claim that animals lack a mind, therefore, do not feel pain originated with the 17th century philosopher Jeremey Bentham. Bentham argued […]
American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists Annual Service Animal Eye Exam Event

The ophthalmologists and staff at BluePeal Pittsburgh are excited to again be participating the American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists Annual Service Animal Eye Exam Event taking place in May 2023. Now in its 14th year, this event has provided over 80,000 free examinations in the United States, Canada, and Puerto Rico. This effort is due […]
Changing our Views on Free Roaming Cats – Return to Home for Better Feline Welfare

Becky L. Morrow, DVM, MS, CAWA It is no wonder that we are confused as to what the best action is to take if we find a “stray” cat outside. For over 70 years we got the message loud and clear – bring the “stray” cat to the shelter. And why wouldn’t we think this […]
Why Does My Pet Need a Cone?

Imagine getting a cut on your finger that requires stitches. At first it hurts, but then within a few days it gets itchy… very, very itchy. To help relive the itchy, you start to scratch the area. You feel better so you stop scratching, but the itch returns with a vengeance, so you start scratching […]