Protect Your Cat, Yourself and Other Animals With Just One Vaccine
Every year around 59,000 people die from rabies, over one person every ten minutes. Rabies is 100% preventable and prevention starts with the animal owner.”1 This quote is from materials provided by the Global Alliance for Rabies Control for World Rabies Day observed annually on September 28. And before you think this is a distant […]
The Found Kitten Decision Game

The universal response to finding kittens is to presume they are abandoned and unable to care for themselves and to remove them, but not only is that rarely the right response, it’s not even the right presumption and can often be harmful to the kittens you want to help. The found kitten decision game involves […]
Service and Therapy Dog Training: Different Paths but Both Rewarding By April Minech

Therapy dogs are not service dogs. Service dogs are dogs who are specially trained to perform specific tasks to help a person who has a disability.  Service dogs stay with their person and have special access privileges in public places such as on planes, restaurants, etc. Therapy dogs, such as ones who work toward earning therapy […]
Team Valor – Puppies on a Mission

Army Veteran Omar Brooks and his wife Nicole Malesic began fostering dogs after their dog Lotus passed away. Omar saw very quickly how working with dogs helped his mood and PTSD. He wanted fellow veterans to feel the way he felt following his five years of service in the Army, where he was deployed with […]
Old Dogs and Bucket Lists

When Annie, a 19-year-old black Labrador retriever mix was brought to the shelter, she wasn’t in the best shape. She had trouble walking and not much of an appetite, common signs of stress for senior animals in a new and often scary environment for them. The medical assessment at the time said she likely had […]
Hands out of the pit to get the horse on the bit

Kristin Hermann I have been teaching since 1978 and have developed many rhythmic sayings because it is easier to remember a jingle when learning to ride. One of my favorites is, "Get your hands out of the pit to get your horse on the bit."* In this first photo, my hands are in the pit; […]
Why use a clicker to train a dog?

Why use a clicker to train a dog? The most important reason is communication. How does one communicate with a nonverbal mammal, not to mention a totally different species than oneself? Sometimes it seems as if our dogs understand what we are saying to them. Some dogs do understand their humans, but that is because […]

The Black Prince The Black Prince Of all the live-bearing fish available in the hobby, no other species is revered more than Characon audax. C. audax (also known as the Black Prince) is a species of splitfin goodeid endemic to isolated locations in the Upper San Pedro Mezquital Basin of Durango in North-Central Mexico. These […]

By: Dan Kavanaugh We all love our pets, and we only ever want the best for them. We treat our furry friends like family and we extend that consideration onto their medical care. Many of the treatments we provide to each other can also be prescribed for our pets as well. Have you ever wondered […]
First Dressage Lesson, with Kristin Hermann

I call my first lessons “my getting to know you lesson.” I know, and I want my students to know. Teaching to me is a dialog. My typical first question is, what are your three natural aids? It is amazing what riders do not know: the legs, seat, and hands. And the secret to riding […]