Toilet Water

Toilet water? We “go” there, don’t they know that? So why do cats drink out of toilet bowls when they’ve got a water bowl, and maybe even more than one? But their water bowl may be filled, or half-filled, or so…with water that you put in there days ago. It still looks fine to us, […]
Saved by an Angel

Kim Lenz started looking into riding after a friend got a foster horse. “They were a love of mine since I was kid, but I couldn’t have one because my dad was allergic,” she explains. “I found someplace that would let me ride their horses so I didn’t need to have my own.” She took […]
The Rider’s Three Natural Aids and then some…

“By Kristin Hermann” What are the rider’s three natural aids? They are the legs, seat, and hands. And it is these aids that communicate to the horse to get the desired result of riding. I ask every new student if they know what the three natural aids are, and I get responses like the head, […]
Who is Walking Who?

The hardest behavior to teach a dog, in my opinion, is loose leash walking. Many people start at the end of the behavior, which is holding the leash at its handle and not using two hands to guide the dog on their journey. I see many allowing the dog to switch sides which can cause […]
Xenotaenia resolanae: The Leopard Goodeid

Xenotaenia resolanae is a splitfin livebearer endemic to Mexico in the regions of Jalisco and Colima. Their habitats consist of murky streams filled with silt and mud with little vegetation. These fishes can be found at a dept of 3 feet or more with water temperatures between 73-78 degrees Fahrenheit. Because of the continued degradation […]