Why You Should Vaccinate and Microchip Your Indoor Cat

By Melanie Lippert, Low-Cost Spay/Neuter Program Assistant “But my cat stays inside,” is something we often hear when we recommend vaccinating and microchipping your feline. We know that cats who stay indoors live longer and healthier lives than those who venture outdoors. But despite living in the comfort of your home, your cat can still […]
HABPPC Stay Positive Training

As children head back to school, you may consider sending your four legged “child” to classes, too. If so, please be sure to research the instructors. Advertisements can be confusing or downright misleading, as some behavioral professionals are not what they seem. Be aware of what’s happening behind the scenes. There are no requirements for […]

By Lesley Ashworth Human-Animal Bond Educator, National Link Coalition Standing in the gallery, my eye is drawn to the delightful paintings of cows. One in particular, titled “Thelma Lou and Barney “shows a cow licking the face of another. My immediate reaction is that which captures the heart of many animal lovers, yet in a […]
Find a Senior Pet to love during Adopt a Senior Pet Month

Our pets’ lives are shorter than ours, and once their age is in the double digits the fear of their seemingly imminent loss can often outweigh the joy of their potential unconditional love. But we never have a guarantee at how long a pet will live even if we adopt it at just a few […]
What are Therapy Animals and How Are They Beneficial? Brad Herman

Therapy animals play an extraordinary role in offering affection to individuals in a retirement home, nursing home, hospital, schools, or other situations. They provide love and support needed by individuals seeking emotional assistance. Those who have come to rely on these type of emotional support pets have come to realize the profound impact these animals […]
Training Your Dog To Walk Politely On A Leash

Walking a dog on a loose leash is one of most difficult behaviors for a dog and human to perform together reliably because of much longer durations, distances, and distractions (scents) compared to other behaviors. Teaching a dog to stay for a couple minutes, is much easier compared to loose-leash walking ten blocks for a […]
Western Pennsylvania Search and Rescue Development Center

By April Minech Founded in 2000, the Western Pennsylvania Search and Rescue Development Center focuses specifically on the special needs population. The group cares for the health and safety of their clients, and trains dogs to work both for and with people. Executive Director Cynthia Garfold explains how it works. “If a person goes missing […]
Kids & Dogs – Good Sense Tips

We all know the great relationships that people form with their dogs, and many had their start when we were just kids. Doesn’t everyone have a memory of their first dog, playing in the yard together or sneaking them into bed? Watching TV on the floor, trying to feed vegetables under the table or long […]
Great to be Ginger!

Ginger is a happy, high spirited-3 legged beagle that my son and I rescued from Animal Friends when she was one years old, although it must be said that I only went there that day to see their new shelter on the North Side of Pittsburgh, PA, with my ex-husband since he is the one […]
Noel’s Story

Noel was found on a cold winter night just before Christmas in 2018. A good Samaritan spotted her frail body trying to cross the road and she looked disoriented. When the stranger picked her up, he saw why; she was elderly and appeared blind and deaf. He took her to a local shelter where she […]